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Orc Armour | Mymetaverse Wiki | Fandom

second best gear for Arena/Colosium takes quite long to get so its pretty valueable kill urks on [/skyblock] and claim Urk Hide and Urk Teeth finish Colosium and claim Orc Ashes and Orc Blood claim 8 Hide, 4 Ashes and 7 teeth for each turn into orc tanned skin with orc blood + 5 Armor + 5 Health 2 % Ice Damage 1 % Thunder Defense Empty Blood Gem Socket + 10 …

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Oni (Ogro) | Tormenta RPG Wiki | Fandom

CNO — Conteúdo não oficial (Favor não editar sem a autorização do criador) Autor: WideCaraio Onis são criaturas simples, vivem em tribos, geralmente em regiões selvagens por toda Tamu-ra, que podem ir de montanhas geladas, até cavernas em vulcões escaldantes. Eles têm uma cultura muito tribal, e até que se parecem muito com orcs, no sentido da selvageria e valorização da …

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Orc - PathfinderWiki

Mythology. The Happy Fellow is a legend told by orc mothers to their young about an elf who comes to eat orc children who smile too much in their sleep.. Religion. Orcs tend to view religion as simply an exchange of power with whichever god will help them most in battle and have no interest in any peaceful deities. Orcs worship a variety of deities, most common is the …

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Orsimer (Orc) | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki

Orc Racial Passives. Orcs have a heavy focus on the use of Weapons, putting them square into the Stamina DPS category. Their extra Health and healing, also help should they decide to Tank or PvP. Their Sprint cost reduction and Movement Speed increase also help tremendously with PvP, where you need to Sprint often, and can help them catch their prey or escape if they find …

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Half-orcs - Tolkien Gateway

Half-orcs were categorized as one of the varieties of Orc-kind, along with orcs, goblins, and Uruks. Half-orc Bandits were found in the Lone-lands. They were affiliated with Saruman and could be found in almost every region he had influence in. His half-orcs in Eriador included many in Dunland, Enedwaith, Eregion, the Lone-lands, and Andrath in ...

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Orc | Love and Corruption Wiki | Fandom

Height: Orcs have an average height between 1.50-1.65 for both males and females. Environments: Orcs are one of the most well-known breeds of Aedryll, as a somewhat isolated culture, their people always prefer to live in savannas, drier environments, although they can settle in any environment as long as they have a strong enough reason, even the most hostile …

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Orc | Myths and Folklore Wiki | Fandom

Orcs are a warrior race, having higher stats than humans, and due to their affinity towards axes, they deal 1.5x more damage when wielding an axe instead of a sword. Typically a race that won't attack those stronger than themselves. Positive Has a 5% chance to obtain Intrinsic Skill Self-Regeneration when reincarnating. Axe damage is multiplied by 1.5x. When evolving, if the …

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Orc | TibiaWiki | Fandom

Orcs are a very ancient race that once ruled the whole of Tibia. Later, they were expelled from the upper world by other races, and now they live in the dungeons of Tibia. They are human-like and very wily. Organised as paramilitary squads they can be quite dangerous. Good monsters to level on in Rookgaard. Spoiler warning: Quest and/or game ...

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Carrying Capacity :: d20srd

The figures on Table: Carrying Capacity are for Medium bipedal creatures. A larger bipedal creature can carry more weight depending on its size category, as follows: Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16. A smaller creature can carry less weight depending on its size category, as follows: Small ×¾, Tiny ×½, Diminutive ×¼ ...

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Orc | Edens Zero Wiki | Fandom

Orc (オーク, Ōku?) is an O-Tech and served under the now-disbanded Nero Empire, as a member of Poseidon Nero's Commando Team, Beast Squad 6. Orc is a tall, muscular orc-like alien with dark hair that is tied in a wild ponytail, a jagged goatee, pointy ears, and teeth. He wears an open, sleeveless jacket with a fur collar and a symbol of the Nero Empire at the …

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Orc | Spelljammer Wiki | Fandom

An orc is a member of a hostile, spacefaring humanoid race in the Spelljammer campaign setting. Orcs suffered great losses in the Unhuman Wars. Under the leadership of Dukagsh, some of the surviving orcs found new direction and eventually became the scro. Orcs are a species of aggressive mammalian carnivores that band together in tribes and survive by hunting and …

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Missões com NPCS | Wiki Servidorexhio | Fandom

14x Orc Lanceiro Exp: 2.800 Vigilante Marombado 16 48x Orc Apoador Exp: 29.760 Vigilante Marombado 18 50x Orc Barbaro Exp: 39.000 Vigilante Marombado 14 ... Capacidade +2 Fogao 8 8x Ra Vida +1 Fogao 8 18x Galinha Ouro: 288 Fogao 8 4x Porco Obeso Capacidade +3 Fogao 200 2x Boi Baleia Vida +4 Fogao 8 8x Lula Vida +2 Fogao 18

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Ozcura Orc | Aiers Wiki | Fandom

O Z C U R A,Grisa Orcii Race:Ozcura Class:Orc Species:Goblinoid Other names: Grey orcs Allegiance: Dark Legion of Demons Ozcuras are goblinoids of the orc family, who were created by the demon Dark Lord of Entartea Tulkhut, bred from a mix of grey and green orcs, goblins, kanovs, drow, humans and dark elves,being then considered a demon creation. They are …

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Criaturas (Arena) | The Elder Scrolls Wiki | Fandom

As descrições abaixo são aqueles escritos por Bethesda Softworks no Manual de Arena. Estas criaturas são do Netherworld, muitas vezes gating-se em nosso plano de existência em alguma missão de sua lha. Eles são inimigos perigosos, altamente inteligentes, completamente caóticas por natureza, e poderosos nos caminhos da magia. Muitas vezes, eles têm alta …

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Orcs | DJ's D&D World Wiki | Fandom

Orcs are medium humanoids that tend to live in remote areas far from other races. Their race originated in the Shadowfell. Because of this, they all carry a bit of magic within them, though, like other humanoid races, only a small few are born with enough magical potential to actually make use of spells and such. Orcs are hated and feared by virtually all races. Orcs have stooped …

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Orc | Tensura Mod Wiki | Fandom

Orcs are a warrior race and a race that won't attack those stronger than themselves. Their appearance somewhat resembles boars. Orcs can be found in Desert and Mesa biomes. Raw Porkchop Dark Iron Orc Armor (Orc General) Orcs are neutral creatures and will not attack first. If hit, they will become aggressive and fight back. Orcs, summoned by an Orc Lord or Orc …

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Orc | Warhammer Wiki | Fandom

Let 'em tell da King. Da east belongs to da Orcs. Da east belongs to Morglum. Da east is green.Morglum Necksnapper[3a] The Orcs are perhaps the largest and most warlike of the Greenskin race, whose large size and raw physical strength easily allows them to dominate much of Greenskin society.[1b] As a tendency of their race, the Orcs are an extremely violent and …

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Orcs Must Die! 2 | Orcs Must Die! Wiki | Fandom

Orcs Must Die! 2 is a Tower Defense/Third-Person Action game developed by Robot Entertainment. It was released on July 30, 2012 for PC. Orcs Must Die! 2 thrusts players and their friends back into battle against terrifying mob of orcs and other monsters. With a redesigned spellbook, players have a broader range of options to build a deadly arsenal of defenses. …

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Greenskins | Warhammer Wiki | Fandom

Savage Orcs are the result of prolonged exposure to extreme heat, which degenerates the already small Orc brain into a stone age intellect, even by Orc standards. [1f] Black Orc - Black Orcs are a more powerful breed of Orcs originally created by the Chaos Dwarfs to be used as slaves, but have since rebelled and found a place in normal ...

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Tyrant T-103 | Resident Evil - Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom

O T-103 (タイラントT‐103) foi uma série de armas bio-orgânicas (B.O.W.) produzidas em massa pelo laboratório Tyrant Plant, na Ilha Sheena até novembro de 1998. Ele foi feito a partir de clones modificados do Tyrant T-002, o T-103 foi objetivo da conclusão póstuma do Projeto Tyrant pela Umbrella Corporation. Os T-103 possuíam inteligência perto da dos seres humanos …

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Orcs | Wiki | Medieval | RPG Amino

Orcs. Contributors ٬ 𝐀kai 𝐍ayuji.᭡ and 1 more . 10. 4. 10. 4. About. Habilidade Passiva: Todos os orcs, independente de seu tipo, possui a capacidade inata como grandes construtores, seja de imóveis ou de armas de cerco. Isso lhes permitem 3 horas a …

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Orc | Wiki Coroa das Entidades | Fandom

E ainda tem uma capacidade de folego que em média alcança 5 minutos. Orc Oriental. Aumento de Valor de Habilidade. Seu valor de destreza aumenta em 1; Voraz. Você tem proficiência na perícia Atletismo. Tamanho: Orcs orientais são mais altos, alcançam em média os 2,50 metros. Seu tamanho é grande.

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Complexo de reconhecimento de origem - Main Page -

Em biologia molecular, o complexo de reconhecimento de origem ( ORC) é um complexo de ligação de várias subunidades ao DNA (6 subunidades) que se liga em todos os eucariotos e arquéias de uma maneira dependente de ATP às origens de replicação.As subunidades deste complexo são codificadas pelos genes ORC1, ORC2, ORC3, ORC4, ORC5 e ORC6.ORC é …

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Orca | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom

The Orca is a high-end passenger ship manufactured by Saud Kruger, the market leader in civilian-transport vessels. Like Saud Kruger's other ships, the Orca can accommodate a luxury-tier passenger cabin, allowing it to transport passengers in comfort and style. The Orca has not been designed for combat or exploration, however, and its internal compartments cannot …

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Orcs | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom

Orcs of Mordor as depicted by John Howe. In J.R.R. Tolkien's writings, Orcs were cruel, sadistic, black-hearted, vicious, and hateful of everybody and everything, particularly the orderly and prosperous. Physically, they were short in stature (unless of the Uruk variety) and humanoid in shape. They were generally squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, bow-legged, with wide …

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